
MembershipThe Charitable Gift Planners of Austin (CGPA) and National Association of Charitable Gift Planners (CGP) membership is open to individuals whose work or interests include developing, marketing, or administering charitable planned gifts. Annual dues are $300 and includes membership in both the national organization (PPP) and our local chapter (CGPA).

Monthly Programs:

CGPA meetings provide an excellent opportunity to build relationships with colleagues in gift planning as well as to learn about gift planning or enhance your existing knowledge base. The Council meets for a Membershipluncheon with speaker six times each year, usually in February, April, August, September, November, and December at Truluck’s North in the Arboretum, 10225 Research Blvd Suite 4000, Austin, TX 78759.  Luncheons are $40 for members and $45 for non-members. (Only Cash or check is accepted.)

Special Programs:

CGP presents a national conference each October in changing destinations around the country.