RSVP for Luncheons
Members and non-members are all welcome to attend CGPA Luncheons. Non-members do not need to be the guest of a member to attend. Simply register using the options below. You will need to know your current membership status to complete the forms. If you are unclear on your status, please contact Christie Aldridge, the chapter administrator, at the email below.
A registrant (member or non-member) can register up to one guest on the same form. If you would like to register for a group at one time, please contact the chapter administrator.
Members Only Discount
Members only have an opportunity to pre-pay for the year's luncheons at a discounted rate. (Buy 5 with 6th program free.) The pre-pay option must be executed prior to the February meeting. The pre-pay form for the coming year is available online December - January.
We ask that pre-pay members RSVP for each luncheon using the form below. A reminder will be emailed by the chapter administrator in advance of each meeting. While refunds for unused lunches are not available, we appreciate you donating a lunch you will not use back to the chapter by informing the chapter administrator of your attendance plans.
Individual Luncheon Registrations:
Are you a member and have pre-paid for your lunches for the year? Please RSVP for each meeting here.
Download 2025 RSVP FORM (to pay by check)
Or email Christie Aldridge: pg*******@gm***.com
Register and RSVP Online Below (to pay by credit card)
2025 Program Registration
"*" indicates required fields