Americans hold more than $23 trillion in their retirement plans, of which $6.5 trillion were in IRAs and another $4.2 trillion in 401(k)s. That's "trillion" with a "t." Not only is the value of the assets Americans hold in retirement plans almost unimaginably huge, but these assets can be among the most tax-efficient and therefore attractive sources of charitable gifts. This presentation will discuss strategies for attracting lifetime gifts of charitable IRA rollovers plus opportunities for end of life distributions to charity.
Jeff Lydenberg
PG Calc
Vice President, Consulting
Invested in your mission
December 11, 2017 at 1:30pm
This event will be held in the same location as the regular monthly luncheon
Bequests are the single biggest source of realized planned gift dollars. For the most part, you don’t know who is going to do a bequest, when they are coming in, or how much they’ll be worth. Oh, and the donor can change their mind at any time! This presentation will summarize the latest research on bequest donor demographics and marketing. You’ll learn how to raise the topic of bequest giving as well as make the bequest decision urgent and easy. There will be time for questions during this interactive presentation.
Jeff Lydenberg
PG Calc
Vice President, Consulting
Invested in your mission