Engaging and educating our community at large about the impact of planned gifts on our city, our region, and our nation is the most important activity of the Charitable Gift Planners of Austin (CGPA). An affiliated chapter of the national association of Charitable Gift Planners, CGPA membership is comprised of area trust officers, attorneys, CPA’s, planned giving officers, and senior development officers from local nonprofit institutions including secondary and higher education, private and community foundations, nonprofits supporting state agencies, religious denominations, arts and cultural organizations, and social service agencies. Members are seeking opportunities to further their knowledge of planned giving financial vehicles, taxation issues affecting charitable gifts, donor relationships, marketing planned gifts, and expanding their network of trusted colleagues and service providers. Chapter programs are credentialed for the CFRE Certified Fundraising Executive continuing education.

As a CGPA sponsor, your company or organization can provide financial resources that supports quality educational programming, a valuable resource not just for the professionals in our community but also for those looking to understand the intricacies of gift planning. Sponsorship also supports the chapter website and scholarships for the chapter’s leadership to attend the national Charitable Gift Planners Conference and leadership meetings. We invite you to consider sponsoring the activities of the Charitable Gift Planners of Austin.
$600 CGPA Annual Chapter Sponsor
- Logo on CGPA website
- Company name on meeting announcement e-blasts
- Logo on the opening PowerPoint slide at each luncheon program
- Opportunity to provide company literature on each seat at one luncheon program
- Complimentary attendance at one luncheon program by a company representative
- Introduction of company representative by Chapter President during announcements in advance of a luncheon program
Download the CGPA Sponsorship Packet
Download the CGPA Sponsorship Commitment Form
Register and pay for your sponsorship online
For information, please contact our Sponsor Chair, Shari Kolding at 512-236-9076.